← Dr. Ian Prattis
Author, Professor Emeritus, Ambassador for Peace.
Spiritual Warrior for Planetary Care, Peace and Social Justice.
Zen Teacher, Poet, Scholar, Guru in India.
Through his numerous public talks and retreats around the world,
Ian encourages people to find their true nature, so that humanity and the world may be renewed.
Founder of Friends For Peace
and the Pine Gate Mindfulness Community
New Book → Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy
Now Available

A note from the Author:
My newest book, Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy, written in 2023, is my 20th book.
As an idealistic teenager I wanted to save the world. I still do. Over the years from a teenager of 16 to an elder of 80 years I have created 20 books and over 500 articles that have been published. They illuminate facets of humanity that are both wholesome and deadly. When a breeze caresses a falling leaf, sunlight glances the gentle spirals as I offer a constantly changing web of life through poetry and prose. Most of my books are award winning, so perhaps this year the book will be lucky!
Praise for the book:
"'Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy' describes our world in words that are full of pragmatic hope. Ian's optimism that humanity can become symbiotic with Nature is contagious. From ashrams in India to barren deserts, Ian's words vacillate between wisdom of experiences and wisdom. Using enchanting imagery Ian reminds us that our future is of our creation - to make things right. Thank you Ian."
Suha Mardelli, Ottawa Independent Writers, Board Director
"Dr. Ian Prattis is an award-winning author, critically acclaimed by many, including Dr. David Suzuki, who notes 'Ian Prattis offers a way to a transformation that is absolutely critical if we are to find a sustainable future.' Dr. Prattis' 20th book offers new inspiring writings on saving and preserving our world."
Michael Davie, Publisher
"In his twentieth book Ian Prattis brings together themes of previous publications in compelling prose and eloquent verse. His style encourages us to find our true nature be telling his own stories of struggles and human failings, his spiritual experiences and insights and his lifelong devotion to planet earth."
Peggy Lehmann, Author, Reiki Master
Find out more about the book by visiting my Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy today! Copies are available for purchase at all fine retailers. If you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book as a special thank you!
Four Phases: Lost, Impermanence, Bittersweet, Caring
Now Available

Four Phases: Lost, Impermanence, Bittersweet, Caring, is a collection of short stories. The wisdom gained through the three phases of the book must be applied to our damaged planet if homo-sapiens are to survive and still have a home called Earth!
A note from the Author:
Poetry has always been a strong practice when it creates prose. It has taken a long time to cultivate my new book - FOUR PHASES: Lost, Impermanence, Bittersweet, Caring. I have published several prior poetry books but none like this new one that has shaken me up. My new book deals with poetry and prose at four different levels that are necessary to balance our world. Severe Climate Change is already upon us and needs swift action to give homo-sapiens a chance of survival. However, the global pandemic and Russia's war devastating Ukraine may detrimentally affect the world from taking the possible route to a live-able Earth as we know it.
Praise for the book:
"Dr. Ian Prattis' poetry weaves in and out of our senses… stark, unforgiving images of nature's imminent destruction as a result of man's neglect and egocentric ways… this book is a masterpiece."
Germaine De Peralta, Journalist and Reiki Master
Find out more about the book by visiting my Four Phases: Lost, Impermanence, Bittersweet, Caring Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Four Phases: Lost, Impermanence, Bittersweet, Caring today! Copies are available for purchase at all fine retailers. If you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book as a special thank you!
Past, Present, Future: Stories that Haunt
Now Available

My newest book, Past, Present, Future: Stories that Haunt, is a collection of short stories. The wisdom gained through the three phases of the book must be applied to our damaged planet if homo-sapiens are to survive and still have a home called Earth!
A note from the Author:
I wrote this book PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE: Stories that Haunt, because I had to. My responsibility of holding the pen was a mere posture to place words in a sequence that would resonate in the reader’s mind. I had a sense of reciprocity about what I felt was necessary to heal the world from climate emergency and pandemic. The chapters play their part throughout as a sort of call and response meter that leans on kinship and community rather than corporate greed. The chapters become as seeds in the mind of the reader, so my work cannot be buried or lost. There is a strong emphasis on Indigenous Wisdom that pulls chapters together while displaying how easy it is to fall into destruction.
Praise for the book:
"These tales operate at three levels. First, the characters are all of "US." Their stories are the One Human Story of struggling to live in this world. Dig deeper, and you’ll find the rich metaphor pointing toward truths about the way our species has evolved and why our permanent dominance of the Earth is a fiction that will not stand up to any real scrutiny. At their root, Dr. Ian Prattis has pointed out that "reality" is not action-over-time but it is simultaneity. These stories take their place with other great cultural myths as a shaman's call to the central village fire asking us to listen, engage and imagine."
Bob Allen, Founder and CEO IDEAS
Find out more about the book by visiting my Past, Present, Future: Stories that Haunt Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Past, Present, Future: Stories that Haunt today! Copies are available for purchase at all fine retailers. If you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book as a special thank you!
Shattered Earth: Approaching Extinction
Now Available

Shattered Earth, addresses the complexities of unbridled corporate domination, greed and blindness juxtaposed against the passionate and insistent voice of youth and the cry of nature as we grapple an uncertain future due to a human induced climate emergency...
"I often find myself observing [occasionally out loud and with genuine astonishment] that "Ian was right!" He has anticipated all of the major threats to personal fulfillment and global peace and harmony. The path he has long advocated and expands upon in these brisk pages will catch you up in exceptional prose. But brace yourself; there is no going back. You cannot "un-see" the revelations Ian pulls from the deep waters and furtive shadows of emerging global awareness. His wisdom becomes your wisdom AND a fulcrum for your own personal enlightenment and development. Such is the grace and gift of a man who has tapped deep into the well of ancient wisdom intent upon saving the earth and all of humanity. Listen and begin your own healing hero's journey."
Barbara A. White, M.A. and Critic.
"Shattered Earth: Approaching Extinction, comes to us at the right time when the era of climate consequences is upon us. We have neglected the warnings of climate scientists and the signs about global warming for decades. But we can no longer silence the truth about the climate crisis. This book asks two fundamental questions: "What is left for us?" and "What are we going to do now?" Dr. Prattis shows how the notion of impermanence will expand our heart and mind to help us navigate through the dark times we will face in our future. The conversation with his nine year old grand-nephew (Chapter 4) is particularly moving and useful. It helped my four grandchildren prepare for their climate-constrained future. I am grateful for the guidance provided by Shattered Earth: Approaching Extinction."
Rolly Montpellier, Co-Founder Below 2 Degrees
Find out more about the book by visiting my Shattered Earth Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Shattered Earth today! Copies are also available for purchase from various online distributors. However, if you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book or CD with your purchase as a special thank you!
Painting With Words
Now Available

Painting With Words, is a collection of intriguing, thought provoking essays and poems reflecting on nature, society, war, the environment and our fragile planet.
"Prattis' poetry is a poetic narrative of our basest attributes as a species, our greed and propensity toward a savage violence, as well as our ability to love beyond the telling power of words. His verses awaken the sense of the infinite within us surging our hearts with the power of their message. His poetry aims directly for the heart speaking to the reader in clear and loud words, sometimes screaming the truth; it is incisive, devoid of redundant imagery and heavy-handed symbolism that might obscure the truth, both the poetic and human one."
Jana Begovic, editor
"Dr. Ian Prattis, critically acclaimed author of New Planet, New World; Failsafe; and, Our World is Burning, now offers Painting With Words, his outstanding collection of intriguing, thought-provoking, essays and poems reflecting on nature, society, war, the environment, and our fragile planet,"
Michael Davie, author
Find out more about the book by visiting my Painting With Words Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Painting With Words today! Copies are also available for purchase from various online distributors. However, if you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book or CD with your purchase as a special thank you!
Our World Is Burning
Now Available

Our World Is Burning examines our fragile future and offers an alternative way of living based on mindful engagement.
Aimee Ann, Blogger (Red Headed Book Lover Blog), Wife, Mother:…Our World is Burning indeed is a fantastic book that should be owned by anybody; this is because it can evoke change and that is a quality which is brilliant. That is why I have no choice but to award this book Five Stars because it is inspiring, informative, and practical…
Anita Rizvi, Therapist: Dr. Ian Prattis, with the vision of a Prophet, the heart of a Buddha and the mind of a master Story Teller, offers a timely gift to humanity… In the midst of it all… a Teacher has come… Now, pick up a copy of Our World is Burning and watch evil leave the room.
Melissa Studdard, Author and Poet: Amidst the fear, greed, and pain of our burning world, there is a cool garden where you can recover hope for posterity and cultivate your best life. Ian Prattis' words are one of the surest pathways to that garden. Both analytically rigorous and fearlessly honest, this book is a must read for anyone asking, "What can I do?"
Find out more about the book by visiting my Our World Is Burning Page.
Order an Autographed Softcover Edition of Our World Is Burning today! The book is also available for purchase from various online distributors. However, if you order one directly from me, you will receive a FREE copy of a previous book or CD with your purchase as a special thank you!
Now Available

New Planet, New World, is the end of a trilogy. It is now ready to transport you to a faraway world free of Earthly problems — or so it seems...
New Planet, New World fuses time, culture, space and consciousness across centuries, fortelling the potential future demise of Earth and our ability as humans to survive anywhere!
Find out more about the book by visiting my New Planet, New World Page.
Order your very own Autographed Softcover Edition of New Planet, New World today! Other versions are available for purchase including: Hardcover, Softcover and E-Book from various online distributors. As a special thank you, if you order one directly from me you will receive a FREE copy of Redemption and Trailing Sky Six Feathers with your purchase!
One Man's Journey with His Muse
Now Available

Trailing Sky Six Feathers, is ready to dance in the daylight. I am so grateful to the many hearts and minds that helped me complete this lifework.
Trailing Sky Six Feathers illuminates issues that will affect our world for generations to come. This hero's journey over four centuries of the author's consciousness is like Indiana Jones meets the Buddha with a dash of Celestine Prophecy; shining light on the darkest elements of the human condition.
Find out more about the book by visiting my Trailing Sky Six Feathers Page or by
reading the
BlueInk Review.
Order your very own Autographed Softcover Edition of Trailing Sky Six Feathers today! Other versions are available for purchase including: Hardcover, Softcover and E-Book from various online distributors.
Now Available

Redemption is the story of Callum Mor, an allegory for the life difficulties I experienced when I wrote the manuscript some 40 years ago. This novel takes the reader on an epic journey, chronicling Callum Mor's passage through the stages of innocence, darkness, destruction and transformation.
Find out more about the book by visiting my Redemption Page or reading a Clarion Review
Order your very own Autographed Softcover Edition of Redemption today! Other versions are available for purchase including: Hardcover, Softcover and E-Book from various online distributors.
"What marks a great work of art is that it touches the heart and soul. Redemption touched mine very deeply. It is so vividly descriptive of both scenery and people, drawing you into the life of Callum Mor, making you cry for him, cheer for him, and wishing you could continue on his journey with him. It is a book to be read over and over again, from which to take away life lessons and inspiration for our own personal journey. This is a book to share with those who touch your life."
Lucille Hildesheim,
International Harp Artiste
Failsafe: Saving the Earth From Ourselves
— Dedicated to Trailing Sky Six Feathers

In Failsafe, Ian Prattis offers a way to a perceptual transformation that is absolutely critical if we are to find a truly sustainable future.
David Suzuki,
Author, environmentalist and host of CBC's "The Nature of Things"

"Ian's book respects and reflects on Aboriginal Prophesies about the Eighth Fire and care of the Earth Mother. He investigates the spiritual lack in the modern world and proposes sound means to guide the course of humanity. For this he draws on the Wisdom of the Elders. This is a book for our times. It has his experience of Taming the Wild Mind, serving the Earth and the cause of Peace."
Grandfather William Commanda,
Algonquin Elder,
Founder of the Circle of All Nations.
Order of Canada
Failsafe — IDEAS Orlando Interview
Part 1 & 2: The experience and background
that brought Failsafe to fruition.
Earth My Body, Water My Blood

Wow... I have been reading your chapters on the five great elements. You write in such an expressive and interesting way that it's hard not to be captivated by your book's truths.
Haze Badeau,
Boat Builder,
New Brunswick
Kudos for your work. I am grateful that our Planet has stewards such as yourself enlightening the masses about the consequences of our neglect of the only home we know.
Mary-Ann Harrison,
Scientist and
Medical Researcher,
This book has one of the most holistic perspectives and concrete set of steps on what needs to be done that I've ever seen. Your take on issues are refreshing. I like the term "spiritual warrior" – this for me sums up brilliantly what we need to become.
Sheryl Gabel,
CEO, Abeilla Company Ltd
The Essential Spiral: Ecology and Consciousness After 9/11

A gifted storyteller, Prattis opens the reader’s mind and heart with touching narratives from his own life experience and from carefully selected literary masterpieces. At the end of each chapter he guides the reader into a meditation. Fear transforms to courage, anger to compassion; doubt becomes joyful wisdom as the beauty of imagery guides meditation practice toward a realization of compassionate strength.
Professor Helmut Wautischer,
Sonoma University,
This is a remarkably personal, honest, and passionate trip into the mindless violent world we have created, and how through meditation and mindfulness practice we can change ourselves and our world.
David Percival,
Reviews – The Mindfulness Bell
Public Talks — Pine Gate YouTube Channel
Ian Prattis writes and speaks on issues that affect our world for generations to come; global warming and climate change, sustainability, multi-generational thinking. He raises the voice of mindfulness and shares it with the world. Sometimes his voice is dramatic, sometimes quiet and very meaningful. His public talks on YouTube are well worth your time.
Craig Senior,
President CSL Consulting